The Imperial Group | Phone: 800-565-1262 | Email: [email protected]
Configured for travel to any disaster or crime scene, the BioSeal Portable System is fully contained in a durable, lightweight carrying case providing for a variety of response scenarios, which is critical when body or evidence fragments are scattered. This fully–kitted, battery powered system includes everything you need to provide absolute containment in the field, protecting you, your evidence and your community.
1 Rugged Carrying Case
1 Roll of System5® Material (150' x 36")
1 110v Hand-Held Thermosealer
1 12v Sealed Battery
1 Battery Charger
1 DC Power Inverter
1 Battery Adapter for Power Inverter
1 Extension Cord
1 Roll of Biohazard Warning Tape
Accommodates approximately 25 decedents.
"Ultimately, our job is to protect all of our citizens, and that starts with the fatality management practitioners at the scene. A BioSeal Systems container isn't a fortified body bag; it is literally life–saving technology."
Bob Gerber, Deputy Chief
Law Enforcement Branch, CA EMA
▶ Hospitals
▶ Disaster Response Teams
▶ Military
▶ Government Agencies